Ready to do more?

Reach out to a nursing home in your community and ask how you can help, or learn more about organizations that currently serve older adults and caregivers.

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How can I donate to my local center?

Find a center.

Locate the nursing home/assisted living facility nearest to you using the Medicare search website.

Contact them.

Give the organization a call, asking what kinds of items that organization needs (ask about PPE, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, etc., or giving a financial donation).

Donate resources.

Collect these items and deliver them to the center of your choice. Thank you for helping nursing home caregivers!

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Other Organizations You Can Reach Out To

National Council on Aging


Provides a national voice for older Americans and acts as their advocates in dealing with service providers and policymakers.

Learn More




A nonprofit, grassroots coalition mobilized to address the PPE shortage and keep the people who care for us safe and well.

Learn More




A nonprofit member association that focuses on education, advocacy, and applied research in the field of aging.

Learn More