Support senior living caregivers

#CaregiverKudos is a campaign to show gratitude for the almost 1.5 million caregivers in nursing homes and assisted living facilities who are working tirelessly, sometimes without adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), to keep our nation’s seniors safe.

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Over one-third of COVID-19 deaths have been in nursing homes or assisted living centers, taking a heavy toll on both residents and staff. Please help where you can, whether by learning more about the situation, saying thank you, or making a donation.


About This Project

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The #CaregiverKudos campaign is part of an effort by The Emergency Design Collective (EDC),  a group of over 500 doctors, designers, public health experts, and academics who are using human-centered design to create rapid responses to COVID-19 and future public health crises.

Caregiver Stories


“She knew the virus posed a serious risk...still, she continued showing up to work.”

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“I’m somebody’s mother. I’m somebody’s sister. I’m somebody’s daughter. And granted yes, this is what I signed up for, but protect me.”

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"Care staff are getting sick, but they can't afford to stay home.”

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Already posted but want to do more?

Find out how to support assisted living centers and nursing homes. We have curated a list of organizations that currently support older adults and caregivers.