These are uncertain times. We are here to help.
We are doctors, designers, makers, and academics working on future problems and right now solutions to the global pandemic.
We are responding to challenges at home, in our communities, and in healthcare.
The Showcase
PPE Playbook for Makers
A resource for makers and manufacturers to ramp up clinical PPE using one of three tested and vetted designs.
Responses for Home
Today, we are having to rethink how we live, work, and go to school in our homes. They have become our entire worlds. Keeping them safe and functional is every bit as important as reimagining how we live inside during the pandemic.
Responses for Communities
This pandemic will forever change our communities. For many, we are finding ways to connect more deeply without being physically present. It also means we need to get creative about some of our societal needs, like ensuring our blood supply, in a time of social distancing.
Responses for Healthcare
Our frontline healthcare workers are leading the response to the COVID-19 crisis. We are working on urgent solutions to their most pressing needs including new types of protective equipment and new ways to keep people safe.
Future problems need right now thinking.
The collective is wired to look for the early warning signs. We look for signals in the noise and launch projects to get ahead of urgent needs.
How might we rethink our homes to better support life, work, and school during social distancing?
How might care for people at end of life when visitation isn’t safe?
How might we care for our frontline providers’ mental health?
How might we rethink place-based activities to be successful in a virtual environment?
Get Involved
Are you drawn to the urgency of this pandemic? Are you wired to make order from chaos, to tackle complex challenges, and to share results quickly?
Suggest a Challenge
What are the unmet needs? What questions around this crisis don’t have obvious answers? What groups or communities have special needs?